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Look Around And Call It ........ Coincidence????

If you look at things around the world....especially when it comes to the time before radio, television, and, of course, the seems that there are a whole lot of cultures that supposedly had no contact with far flung others that seem to have independently created the same images.

One of the most iconic images, that is world-wide, is the pyramid. From Giza to Mexico to India and many places in between. In addition to the existing true pyramids there are also mounds and raised platforms, that some consider to be forms of pyramids in many other places as well. Let's take a look at some of the most famous of the amazing structures.

While Giza pyramids are probably the most famous, they are considered by some to be younger than the Mesopotamia Ziggurats, which were the living places of the Gods. Yet, they resemble those of Mesoamerica that are considered thousands of years younger. The ones from India seem to have more in common visually with the ziggurats, yet they ritually seem to have combined the belief systems of other pyramid cultures in not only being a place of death, but also places to connect with gods. All pyramids seem to have some connection to reaching or communing with the gods and some importance with death or the after-life and or the balance of the world.

While pyramids are the most common and obvious of similar things due in most part to their size, and also, the construction methods being mos often in brick or stone, they are not the only common symbols that can be found spread across the globe. There are others that are smaller in size than the pyramids, but could be just as important to their times and places. 

Sometimes these similar symbols are more details in larger images, than they are just the same images in different forms and places. However, it is much easier to dismiss details as being sheer coincidence than it is to dismiss whole images in the minds of many. The favorite justification for dismissing most similarities is the use of the term artistic freedom. Some will even use the term or something similar to dismiss ideas or theories that do not fit the preconceived dogma of the ruling experts of certain areas of study. I consider it hard to dismiss either form of similarity unless it is something that both cultures would have seen or been exposed to independently such as the Sun and or the Moon. Next, it would be reasonable to question the images of things such as flora and wildlife that might have been current with and or known by the cultures. However, it is less simplistic to just dismiss out of hand those symbols that are not of known things that appear across large areas and times. Just as it is hard to dismiss the implications of symbols that seem to have been beyond the realm of common knowledge for the suspected or believed creators.

Hittite Royal Seal
One such symbol is the double-headed eagle/bird. This iconic symbol has survived down to modern times in the crests and coat of arms of many noble families throughout Europe; however, Europe is not the supposed origin of this noble creature. 

One of the first known uses of the double-headed eagle was as a royal symbol of the ancient Hittites, yet it has been seen in various forms in various locations since then as shown in the examples. The known Hittite kingdom occupied an area that is located in present day Turkey, Syria, and Iraq. While, the final rule of the Hittite Empire is well known and documented there is debate about the original homeland of those that history refer to as the Hittites. There are other examples that can be seen as far away in both time and distance as Columbia and the Indians of Western North America.

double-headed bird of Columbia

It is symbols like these that make it hard to believe that man has just now entered the time of globalization. These similar features among unconnected peoples also makes it hard to believe that what is stated as fact about known history is the whole and complete story.  It is these commonalities that encourages the search for more. It is these coincidences that feeds the curious minded to seek the unseen truth and unfound knowledge.


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