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The Low Down on Ley Lines

One of the most little known, but often misused terms, with regard to discovering our past or human origins is the term ley lines. So lets see if we can search through all the static and find the ground under our feet, which is really all that Alfred Watkins was doing in his book The Old Straight Track.

Being very interested in the landscape of the countryside by profession, meant that Watkins was observant in his travels across Britain. One day, while out driving along the countryside, he stopped and observed what he thought was a 'pattern'. His idea actually seems logical and makes mathematical sense, in so much as, the shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line.

Even archaeologists  admit that the logic and reason applied makes sense and is supported by  locations of historical sights in some areas. They claim that it seems that if it were possible that ancient peoples at least in certain locales and or over periods of time in larger areas seem to regularly build on a line or in a line.

What was it that Watkins observed? As stated above he noticed several details and gave them a wholeness. Being a landscape photographer, he went to numerous sites around Britain and it was in doing this that he noticed very ancient paths that crossed the landscapes in basically straight lines. In Watkins theory, each ley line started or ended with a hill, also that if you come across an ancient sacred site you would most certainly find at least one ley line crossing the site or extending from the site.
via secretdalmatia@wordpress

The New Age movement has turned the concept of ley lines into a metaphysical ancient secret. Of course that has allowed academics to have great ammo in shooting down theories of any type about the existence and or importance of ley lines to the ancients or us. Skeptics like Benjamin Radford, go so far as to completely misspeak when he claims that it was purely practical matters that determined the location of ancient sites. Guess he missed that there is not really anything practical about the location of Machu Picchu, and the stones used for Stonehenge were from about 200km away. Mica sheets found in temples in Mexico were from Brazil. Thus, clearly indicating that there was nothing practical about these locations, certainly not regarding building materials as he claims.

The New Age researchers have claimed various theories such as energy fields within the Earth or the gathering of spiritual energy at these ancient sites. I am not here to dispute any of that, as I do believe that the Earth is full of energy and also that we can find spiritual energy in many places. However, not being present in ancient times nor possessing any documents or other irrefutable evidence giving a specific and direct reason for why certain sites were chosen or the reason certain paths/roads were used, I also will not give my support to any side.

I will say this; I think waking a straight line or having straight line of sight is a logical justification for ley lines, that being said, I also know that we all have places where we will feel relaxed or happy or content or nervous or uncomfortable or whatever without any apparent reasons for said feelings, so at this point any and all theories might be correct in part or whole.


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