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Join Us For The Journey

Cassi Merten
So while I have not been doing a lot of writing in quite awhile, I have still been doing a lot of reading, research, and following of others' research and theories. I have, also, been working out my next pursuit in my head and on paper, so to speak. I have long thought that the "official" story of humanity has some major contradictions and errors in it. Even as a child, raised basically in a christian'ish belief system, I always had questions about things that made no sense to me or that did not seem to tell the whole story or answer all the questions that I had.

Questions like; if Adam and Eve were the first people then why did Cain need to be marked? Didn't ALL the people (his family) already know who he was and what he did? And if everyone was going to descend from Adam and Eve then wouldn't they all know who Cain was already? Of course some versions say that God sent them out to find wives, again if Adam and Eve were the first then where were they to go out to to find wives? And Noah, how was he supposed to fit pairs of ALL the animals in the world in his Ark? How was he supposed to get all the animals to his Ark? And again, if it is just Noah and his family (and different versions define the family in different 'sizes'), where do wives after the flood come from?

Moving forward to school and studies the same half stories with glaring unanswered issues seemed to be more the norm than the exception. The most awful facet was the way that half-stories were not told as this is what we think, believe, or our best guess. Instead, it was stated as unquestionable fact that would beget harsh criticism and ostracization if it was indeed question or if the holes in the supporting facts were pointed out, some so big you could fly the Sun through.

Bekah Olsen
Such 'facts' as the Sphinx was built at the same time as the pyramids, yet, while it has in known times spent most of its time covered up to it's neck in sand, it is the most weathered and repaired of the structures on the plateau. Or that if the Great Pyramid was a tomb, why is it devoid of ALL things that identify tombs fit for pharaohs? If we have only been 'civilized' for between 5,000 to 8,000 years, then who built Gobekli Tepe? If we are so advanced and the ancients so unsophisticated from a technological point of view, why can we not easily replicate their famous works?

When we hear their stories of the heavens and the earth and heroes and disasters, why do we assume that they are just made up tales to serve totally abstract purposes? Why is it so easy for experts to dismiss the ancients as being ignorant, in spite of the fact that evidence to the contrary is all around us, from the ruins of ancient cities to their stories and languages? What makes a culture or people "advanced" or "civilized" or "technological"?

In the upcoming articles, I will be looking into Egypt as a possible key between what is now and what was before and is now hidden from our story. We will look at new theories about the Giza plateau. We will also explore megalithic structures from Egypt and the Mediterranean Region to the British isles. We will explore connections between the Egyptian language and cosmology and similar concepts in other cosmologies from the Dogon to Gobekli Tepe to Indian Stuppas. We will look into the study that concludes greater genetic relations between Ancient Egyptians and modern Britains than Ancient and modern-day Egyptians. We will ponder anomalies such as tobacco and cocaine found in Egyptian mummies and hieroglyphs found in Australian rock carvings. We will consider pyramids from Asia to the Americas. In addition, we will consider similarities between pieces of cave art, pectoglyphs and geoglphys. All this is just the beginning of the journey, so come along for the adventure!

And let's see where this leads us and where we end up.


  1. This is interesting. Waiting to hear more.

    1. Thank you, we are excited to bring more information and inspire new lines of research and inquiry.

  2. It will be interesting to read the follow up. Personally, I have my own opinion about some of the questions. And there exist easy answers for that:
    1) specific items from the Bible are just pictures for people who were mostly uneducated it was necessary to submit a "nice story". Whenever I asked priests about the incest dilemma, "why is it forbidden now, but was not for the children of Adam and Eve" I was refused a reasonable answer. Therefore Darwinism looks more meaningful than the Genesis.
    2) about ancient findings, every now and then there appear corrections. Like the time which was needed to build the pyramides or the handling of the sculptures of the Easter Islands.
    My personal explanation is very simple and will be rejected by most people. I just don't believe that mankind as it exists today is "version 1" of a human being. Maybe we are already version 2 or 3. And when we have killed ourselves in WW3 then there will be new generation.
    I like to read about ancient findings and their interpretations. But I don't make a religion out of it :)

    1. Thank you for your comment.
      For the incest issue, one of the things that I find of conflict, is that supposedly, incest is unhealthy, in that it produces offspring with defects, that being said it was a common Egyptian practice and ancient Jewish one as well, for the first wife to be a sister. Sister in those cultures was anything from full biological sibling to 1st cousin. I imagine with the Jews, it became practice due to the fact that for the sake of being Jewish, it is the mother and her bloodline that counts not the father, thus by marrying first your "Jewish sister" then you ensure that at least your inheriting children are also Jewish. Regarding the health issue of the offspring, there is only Tut that is noticeably deformed, supposedly due to "inbreeding" out of hundreds of years of pharaonic rule. And there are no tales or proof of any Jewish kings being deformed.
      As for how many versions of us there has been; I agree with you on the surface, I do believe that man has been 'advanced and civilized' at some point in prehistory. How many times? Who's to say, but at least once before.


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