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Showing posts from October, 2018

Join Us For The Journey

Cassi Merten So while I have not been doing a lot of writing in quite awhile, I have still been doing a lot of reading, research, and following of others' research and theories. I have, also, been working out my next pursuit in my head and on paper, so to speak. I have long thought that the "official" story of humanity has some major contradictions and errors in it. Even as a child, raised basically in a christian'ish belief system, I always had questions about things that made no sense to me or that did not seem to tell the whole story or answer all the questions that I had. Questions like; if Adam and Eve were the first people then why did Cain need to be marked? Didn't ALL the people (his family) already know who he was and what he did? And if everyone was going to descend from Adam and Eve then wouldn't they all know who Cain was already? Of course some versions say that God sent them out to find wives, again if Adam and Eve were the first then where...

I Believe

via I believe in dragons, unicorns, fairies, and mermaids; not to mention, giants and elves, trolls and shape-shifters, heroes and demons. I also believe in places like Atlantis, Mu, and Punt. As I have stated before, I believe that we have barely scratched the surface of knowing, much less, understanding our own history. And since we do not know everything , how can we say with certainty that certain things never existed or claim without absolute proof that we understand the languages, words, and symbols handed down to us by our ancestors. Simply put, We Can't. I know that admitting to believing in all the things listed above and more, most would consider me at least silly, if not a full fledged nut job. But, why? Because some teacher in some classroom told you that something didn't exist. What was their proof? In most cases when we are told that something does not exist, the proof provided to support their claim is that there is no proof. Forg...