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Hancock V Hawass........SCORE Hancock

via Quest For Lost Civilizations (5of14)
So on 22 April 2015, there was supposed to have been a debate between, Graham Hancock and Dr. Zahi Hawass, in Egypt. The topic was about their differing views of the history of Egypt and human kind.

This could have been an amazing discourse. It is always a very good thing when ideas are shared, exchanged, and questioned. The best thing about this debate would have been that while Mr. Hancock is still searching for answers and the WHOLE truth, Dr. Hawass thinks that we know EVERYTHING, that there is nothing else to know, and that HE knows all there is to know concerning Egypt and the beginnings of history.

Dr. Hawass was the primary reason that I did not pursue study in Egyptology. He is a tyrant in the field. He was "God" in that he had the power to deny access to any research into any site any where in Egypt and also could refuse a researcher access to any artifact in Egyptian possession. Thus, making it almost impossible for someone to have any differing idea and be able to pursue it.  You either agree with the status quo or you kiss your career good-bye. Prime example for how you better change your mind if you want to keep your career is found in Mark Lehner, who went from having a very open mind about what was possibly still left to learn and find in Giza, to parroting Hawass' lines about everything already being a Nova documentary, Mr. Lehner stated that the reason for the carving of the Sphinx.....was that it was a show of artistic creativity.

Back to the point: Dr. Hawass, has an inability to allow differing ideas and opinions in the dialogue of history with regards to Egypt and Egyptology. If he was totally so sure of his own opinions and conclusions and his statement that we have nothing more to learn on the topic, then why not grant access so that fools make fools out of themselves. By denying access to sites and artifacts he is limiting research. Then by stopping access and projects in the middle of their activity, he is also creating the 'contamination' of the experiment and even feeding these "foolish notions" instead of letting them finish. Or worse he jumps in and claims the evidence/discovery as his own. Whether or not Dr. Hawass ever had any true love or passion for Egyptology or not is mute at this point as he clearly no longer does.

Please, check out this link for the whole story as well as links to the video, so that you can judge for yourself, what happened and what the reasons might be and how this might impact future learning in the area.....

Zahi Hawass vs Graham Hancock -- the April 2015 "debate" debacle 


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