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Focusing on our specific topic for today, lets look at how words can affect the focus and conclusion of studies made. One of the primary words that instantly causes most experts to discount a story or label it as myth, lore, legend, or fiction is for Gods to be named. I think it would be much more prudent and certainly much more open minded to exchange the word 'God(s)' in our academic vocabulary to 'extraordinary being'. Once a story of a culture names Gods then it is reduced to merely myth and only looked at as a fanciful story or religious dogma, instead of given its due measure as history. There are grand accounts in many cultures that recite the histories from the time of Gods to the time of 'historically accepted' man. Ironically, the experts in the same breath discount the parts of the story that speak of the Gods and accept as fact the parts of the story that are about their 'historically accepted' men. This is where being over literal can close your mind to nuggets of knowledge laid right before you if you only look with open minds.
There are stories found in many different cultures that speak of persons or peoples that the experts discount as being fiction. Instead having the openness of "I can believe in anything, until I have proof it doesn't exist" most academics believe in nothing until you prove it exists. This seems naturally counter intuitive to human nature and counter productive to academic pursuit. Most academics would say in order to have a scientific mind one has to be skeptical. There is a huge difference between being skeptical and being a brick wall with no doors or windows. It is very possible to use and achieve scientific procedure while having an open mind. Having an open mind does not influence observation or conclusion as much as having a closed mind does. Matter of fact, an open mind is actually much more conducive to the scientific process than a closed one. If your mind is open then you are much more willing to accept whatever conclusion the facts suggest, whereas if you have a closed mind you have already limited yourself to the conclusions that you are capable of accepting.
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The experts discount stories of dragons and giants and dwarfs and elves and little people. Those things don't exist. Why? Cause dragons and giants have not beaten the experts on the head and why should they? Why should anyone whom is considered less that equal beat another over the head merely to prove they exist? It is not the "fictional" creature that is missing out, it is the absolute doubter. I think that the 'experts' should take a step back and be logical and rational about the stories that our ancestors gifted us with and treat them as the gifts that they are. Just because something was either never written down or only written down after many hundreds of years does not mean that it is not valuable or that it cannot teach us more than morals. Don't get so hung up on words, think about this....if you are 5 foot tall then a person that is 7 foot tall is a giant to you and you are a dwarf or little person to them. We have persons of both heights living today, will the 'experts' of the future for sure find the remains of both to prove our giants and little people real? We cannot say yes, you can say, we have our history of words and pictures to 'prove' it. Really? Did not our ancestors leave us pictures and words that today as 'experts' you call them fiction? So what is to say that tomorrow's experts will not call your histories and pictures 'fiction' as well?
Maybe instead of judging our past by your standard you should judge it based on how you want to be judged by our future.
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