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Showing posts from March, 2014

Man Gets 'Civilized'.....

OK so life got in the way of my writing last week; don't you really dislike that when it happens, I know I do. That also means that my flow was seriously interrupted with mandatory writing assignments instead of my writing for pleasure and fun. But, with a little inspiration and guidance from a couple of my really awesome supporters, I am back. And I am excited to get back in my flow again. So I thought this might be a great time to maybe share part of my inspiration for this project. I have always had a love for history. Maybe it was because history was important to the adults that were around me when I was little. Maybe it is because of my extreme curiosity. Or maybe it was that some of the things that my teachers stated as facts did not seem to add up or fit together nicely or logically. Whatever the reason or combination of reasons, here I am eyes deep in exploring and discovering as much of the truth of history as I can and sharing my journey with you. It is my wish that t...

Who Built the Pyramids, When????

In this approach we will find some fascinating details as well as some that will confound the reader. The question should come to mind; " how can it be both times? " In order to appreciate the wholeness of this aspect of our pondering we need to look at a world-wide fascination of ancient peoples. What is this world-wide phenomenon? In one word, it is Astronomy. As we mentioned in the previous post the oldest civilized peoples all were very adept students of the stars. Their rituals and beliefs very much focused on the skies. They measured the movement of the Sun, the Moon, and the constellations. Their were Sun gods and Moon goddesses and the stars were home to the Gods. They followed the path of the Sun, the Moon and the constellations across the skies. They knew the cycles of the Sun and Moon and Earth. They could predict the eclipses and even the arrival of comets. One of the most famous stories known to us today tells of 3 magi that travel for 2 years to find...

Meeting the Anceint Egyptians.............Part 3

Imhotep via Wikipedia We have looked at the design location of some of the structures of the Necropolis and we have looked at some of the numbers in the building of the Pyramids. Now lets look at the 'men' responsible for such wonders. In this approach we will look at the 'men' that are truly responsible for the structures that have totally perplexed our reason and logic up to this point. It is time to know the 'men' in a general way, before we become totally confounded by our next question in this journey. If we look at what seems to have been the focal point for all peoples and hence most religions then we need only look up.  Ancient peoples were obsessed by the heavens and all the happenings in the skies. So complete was this obsession that the first things that we seem to have been students of were the stars. Their rituals and beliefs very much focused on the skies. They measured the movement of the Sun, the Moon, and the constellations. They were awar...

Opps, technical difficulties won out :-)

Just to let you guys know.....I had some MAJOR technical issues this past week. My faithful laptop of the last 7 or so years finally breathed almost its last breath..... So I had to find a new one and of course reload my favorite programs and next I will need to try to with old faithful's final breath copy files to my new little toshiba 😊 Thanks for your patience and understanding, you guys are the best 😊