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The Journey Begins......

There are many ancient sites and artifacts that are known the world over. Some of these sites are mysterious and shrouded in wonder and enigmas, while others seem to be fully and or completely explained, at least according to the experts. Starting our ramblings through the moments of our history at one of the most recognizable locales on the planet seems appropriate for our journey.

We believe in labeling and ranking things in our world to give them importance and value. This act in and of itself seems simple and harmless enough; however, when we list things and rank things we are actually diminishing their importance in our world and limiting our understanding as well. There is a saying that we all have talents, things we excel in, however, if the fish is judged by how well he climbs a tree, then he will always feel stupid. By judging places and things against hard-fast, unbending limits that the egos of experts place in our knowledge banks it is not the sites and cultures and artifacts we make 'stupid', but ourselves. By accepting without question the words of the textbooks and experts we voluntarily shut ourselves into the dark closets of ignorance.

Returning to the start of our journey; the Giza Necropolis is the site of the Great Pyramids of Egypt, as well as, the Sphinx and other temples and archaeological finds that have yet to be fully understood. For this post we will focus on the Pyramids themselves. There are 3 great or grand pyramids in close proximity that are the last of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It is a standard propagated fact that these pyramids were the tombs for the Pharaohs Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure. It has been the practice of mainstream Egyptologists to criticize, ostracize and black-ball any researcher that does not hold to this archaic and suspect view.

It has been one of the greatest mysteries, to my personal understanding, that academics and researchers do not seek the truth and knowledge, they seek fame and tenure. If these so called experts really believed their own opinions regarding the pyramids, then why not let every "out there," "off the wall," "crazy" person with a "wild" and "delusional" idea research it and study the site and fall flat on their face in the error of their own study. Instead any person that has any view that deviates from the idea that the pyramids are tombs is not even granted access to the site for research purposes.

Ironically, you do not need access to the site to call into question the statement that the Pyramids are tombs. First, there are burial mounds located all over the world, dirt mounds that have served as the final resting places for the deceased. That being said, there has not to this point ever been a body of a deceased found in the middle of any funeral pyramid structure any where in the world. You can try to point to priests and 'kings' that have been found in some American pyramids, but all their entombments were under said pyramids or added within them and the pyramids were not constructed for the purpose of their burials, instead the entombment was either repurposing of temples or after-thought. But our focus is not on ALL pyramids, just the 3 at Giza.
Valley Of The Kings via

According to mainstream Egyptologists, most pharaohs have been found buried in the Valley of the Kings. This is not a valley full of pyramids, nor is it the earliest or latest of the pharaohs. What I mean is that the Pharaohs of the Pyramids were from the 4th Dynasty of the Old Kingdom. Yet, building pyramids was not happening prior, even if you consider the Step Pyramid at Saqqara of Dojser, neither was it continued after the fact. Some Egyptologists might tell you this was due to grave robbers, but that contradicts the religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptians. It is very hard to say with any certainty when certain tombs might have been raided. It is highly unlikely that the tombs were raided during the Dynastic periods, but were instead violated later by those peoples whose culture did not value the beliefs of the past times. The point being that the likelihood of just 3 Pharaohs, 4 if you count Djoser, building Pyramids for tombs and not being followed by subsequent Pharaohs when all other aspects of society remained virtually unchanged is slim to none.

If we allow for the study of the possibility of the Pyramids being those of our 3 Pharaohs, why did these pharaohs deviate so far from the norm before them and after them. What makes the burial rites and practices of our 3 so unique? Why would they basically shun their religion and culture and immortality by shunning the very things that would insure their place in the afterlife. If one only looks at the tombs found in the Valley of the Kings and see the names and images on the walls of tombs along with the verses of the Book of the Dead and the Book of the Gates, they provided the tomb resident with spells and advice to help get them to the afterlife. This information is missing from the King's Chambers in the Pyramids of our 3 Pharaohs. So if the pyramids were their actual tombs you must consider that they lived such perfect lives they did not need any help facing their judgements or they snubbed the religion in death, that kept them in power in life. Both of those theories seems highly unlikely.
Robbed Tomb via Pintrest

We can put this theory aside if you have not started questioning the 'truth' yet and move to the next questionable fact regarding the Pyramids. Let's assume for the sake of mainstream argument that these Pyramids were tombs. One of the main reasons that the Great Pyramid is considered Khufu's is that his name is found on a 'plaque' near the Pyramid itself. Now if having your name on a building makes you the builder of said building, then George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln just became the most prolific builders in America. For their names adorn more public buildings than most any other notable leaders in American History. But more importantly, it was the practice of the Egyptians to bury with their Pharaohs, everything they would need in their afterlife. This matters since the afterlife was a mirrored existence of life on Earth. As it is above so it is below. Everything that one would need to be of their status in the afterlife was provided in their burial for their possession as needed. This included not only treasures, the desire of tomb robbers, but also mundane items for life, foods and daily basics, not so much valued by our robbers. Once again, these remnants were also missing from the burial chambers. Not even the debris of broken shards of pottery or spilled seeds remained after the robbing, thus inferring that they were also the neatest grave robbers in history.

So it seems that if we are to maintain and or accept that the Pyramids were tombs for our 3 Pharaohs, we have to accept several unsupported and irrational facts about them. First, that all Pharaohs that followed were incredibly humble and did not have a desire to leave their mark more permanently on the world. Secondly, that our Pharaohs either lived perfect sin free lives or snubbed their society's belief in the afterlife. Thirdly, that they did not need any of the trivial things that ordinary Egyptians needed in their afterlife like food.

I hope that some of these presented views made you think and wonder. Ask questions and seek answers and do not believe that just because someone has letters, even the whole alphabet, after their name they are smarter than you. You can make the next big discovery just as surely as any expert, maybe even more so if your mind is open and your eyes are seeking.


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