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Showing posts from November, 2015

Grain Silos.....Well, That's A New One

Mark Kauzlarich/Reuters I am the first one to want to hear, new and interesting ideas about things. And I have said more than once that I do not believe that the Pyramids were ever tombs. However, I have had heard an interesting and plausible theory that after they fell out of disuse of their original purpose that it is possible that they were used for tombs. This may or may not be true. I would still argue that there was no grave goods or the debris of grave goods found in any of the chambers of the Great Pyramid when they were opened in the 19th century. But, one could counter that the grave robbers were the neatest and most through grave robbers in history. But, I digress.  The new theory that I have recently heard is from a Republican candidate for US President, Dr. Ben Carson. It is Dr. Carson's belief that the Pyramids were built by Jacob during his time as Administrator in Egypt, to store grain for the 7 years of famine after the 7 years of abundance. His opinion was ...