If you are of Celtic descent then you might have heard of the holiday Samuin or Samhain, which is actually Celtic New Year and was a 3 day holiday. It was during this time that Celts believed that the time between the years 'opened the door' so to speak betwixt the world of the living and the world of the dead. This meant that spirits could cross over into the world of the living and cause harm and mischief. The Celts believed that bad spirits of the dead were harmful to the living, they also believed that even the good dead needed to stay in the world of the dead, that it was not good for them to be in the world of the living. So there are several traditions that occurred during this festival, that helped celebrate the harvest, welcomed the death of the earth, and kept the spirits of the dead in their own realm. Some of the rituals and practices that were practiced across those regions that were influenced by Celtic traditions included bonfires, feasting, leaving off...
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